Photography to Personal Training - Website Shoot

Around five years ago, I got an email from a student, Sean, from my old school, Prudhoe High School, who was desperate to get into photography and wanted some help to get started on the journey and I said, “Let’s have a cuppa!” We went to the Caffé Ginevra, when it was in its original place in Prudhoe, and just chatted about all things photos.

He got a lot out of it and it allowed me to talk – as you know, I’m quite an expert at just jabbering on! And all of a sudden, not long after that, I kept seeing pictures of gyms and work-outs and whilst Sean still had his passion for photography, he took a journey into personal training. He’s gone great guns into that and it’s fantastic seeing his images off the back of it but over those years there’s been a massive transition from the skinny kid that I met in Prudhoe to the beast of a man that he is now, towering over me!

So it was great to fast forward to when he asked me to capture some new stuff for his new website. He’s taken his PT into a slightly different area and working with different clients to what he has done previously meaning that he needed some new images that really showcased that and also showcased the spaces that he works in, his main one being Hamer Fitness in Jesmond.

I love anything to do with fitness, sport and that sort of stuff – I know I mention it a lot so it was great to be able to capture these. If you’ve got any sports or fitness images you want captured, let’s talk!

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