I’m not quite sure how this came around. In my head it’s still around 2018 and that Covid thing didn’t really happen but here we are in the depths of a financial crisis and another year gone. It’s all fun and happy, isn’t it?!

I say that in jest obviously - it’s been a fantastic year for me and the business. I’ve shot more this year than I’ve ever done and shot some more interesting things on a weekly basis than I ever thought possible. So my year in numbers (drum roll)

📸 Shoots - 166

🌁 Images - 92,155

🚗 Miles - 11,879

I do love a bit of data and working through stats but it doesn’t always reflect fully what a year looks like just on the bare bones and the bare numbers. I think it’s safe to say we’ve all had a challenging year, we’ve all had things going off in our family lives that make things a little bit more tricky, and as much as the financial crisis has hit some significantly more than others, most of us are getting hit with a fair whack at the moment and to take that into account in the year and to still do as many shoots and work with so many companies who are still pushing things forward has been fantastic and seeing the insight into how businesses are adapting and changing to the new economic climate.

I’m very proud of myself to be standing here today and the start of a new with eyes bright and a bit of excitement about what might lie ahead and what sort of things I can push through for things to do this year. Here’s a bit of a flurry through of some of the shoots done and things I’ve been involved with and companies I’ve worked for - it’s been a real journey and a real experience.

How was your 2022? What were your highlights? Let’s not dwell on the negative of the financial crisis but come on, give me your top three things that really jump out as successes this year!

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